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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"The Presence"

The Pig Mobile and I have arrived in Oregon! It was a beautiful, but long, drive from Cupertino, CA where we spent the night with Val, and Government Camp. I was in the car 11.5 hours. Today, I'm fully unpacked and moved in to the beautiful condo that I'll be sharing with the wardrobe designer.

My first assignment is to create welcome packages for each of the cast and crew's condos. Tom, my producer, suggested eggs, butter, brownie mix and ice cream. I'm thinking fruit, granola, nuts, organic green tea. Can you see where this is headed? Send your ideas, but hurry! What would you want to have in your condo that makes you feel at home?


Jack Cone said...

Welcome to Oregon, the "Big O" in states, where only the 4X4s are taller than the trees and you may see a future VP drawing a bead on a bull elk. Dug your picture,...I have one as wallpaper, taken on the same road, with Mt. Hood in the BG. Jack

Kayte said...

You would be all unpacked the day after you got there Ms. Energizer Bunny! Glad you had a great drive and hope you're settling in okay. See you in a month!